Лучшее кафе для птиц и животных
The best bird feeder and squirrel house competition announced for children and adults under the name as follows: A café for birds and animals in kutuzovo village!
Terms and conditions of the competition: To present finished works until 7 December 2018 to the Kutuzovo village head E.N. Nagornaya
All feeders and houses will be arranged in the Barsky Sad garden, lime alleys, near the Temple, on the trees along the river and streets of the village.
Purpose of the activity:
1. Help feed birds and animals during the cold season.
2. Instil in children an understanding of how to take care of birds and animals, how to protect the environment, and develop creative skills in making houses and feeders with their own hands.
Yours sincerely, E.N. Nagornaya
Head of Kutuzovo Village