The Programme of village development till 2020 has been approved.
Whereto 90 bln. will be spend. The Prime-Minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev has approved and signed the concept of the Federal Target Program “Sustainable Development of Rural Territories for 2014-2017 and for a period till 2020”.
Main objectives of programme are to create favorable conditions of life in rural areas including for young specialists and their families, and to significantly increase the prestige of rural way of living. For realization of said objectives it is planned to spend in total about 300 bln. Rubles. Of which 90.4 bln. Rubles will be allocated from Federal State Budget, 134.5 bln. from regional budgets, and other 74.3 bln. from off-budget sources.
The Programme will be implemented in two stages (the First in a period one from 2014 till 2017, the Second in a period from 2018 till 2020), and the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Sports will be directly responsible for its implementation. Document notes that such expense is necessary due to negative state of rural area, first of all because of negative demographic situation as well as problems with social and engineering infrastructure, underdevelopment of road network.
The concept states, that according to pessimistic forecast of the Russian Statistics Bureau (Rosstat), number of rural population by 2021 may be reduced up to 36 mln. people (compared with 37.5 mln. at the time of census of 2010).